⛑ Customer help


This base is perfect to collect the issues that your customers have. You can also guide them through the different solutions.

Made to unleash the power of Celestory virtual assistant:

🤖 https://www.celestory.io/virtualassistants

To test the Virtual assistant:


To see how the Virtual assistant works:

👉 https://creator.celestory.io/project/I8V6lg7-X

To open the Airtable database:

🧮 https://airtable.com/universe/expL4txJ0sH8LMjCx/helmet-with-customer-help

Updated February 16, 2021 at 8:14 PM
Copied 7 times


Celestory is a nocode game builder for: 🎭 Visual novel 💬 Text adventure 🃏 Playing Cards 🚪 Escape game 🎞 Interactive movie 🕺 Serious Game 🔎 Point&Click 📱 OS Simulation 💯 Quiz 🎧 Audio game
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