Outlining a Big Fat Epic Fantasy with Airtable


Multiple timelines, hundreds of characters, locations all over the known world. How do you keep track of them--and strengthen your book? Award-winning mystery/SF/fantasy writer Sarah Smith, who can't plot to save her life, shows her method.


Here's the article about using it:



The art comes from a wonderful article on io9 by Lauren Panepinto. https://io9.gizmodo.com/art-appreciation-101-the-two-rules-of-awesome-sf-fanta-5621039

Updated June 5, 2019 at 5:07 PM
Copied 138 times

Sarah Smith

Mystery and fantasy/SF novelist, database geek. www.sarahsmith.com for a selection of bestselling, award-winning novels. "Smart people save themselves by saving each other."
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