✅ Availibility check


Allow your users to check the availability of a service or product and reserve it immediately.

Made to unleash the power of Celestory virtual assistant:

🤖 https://www.celestory.io/virtualassistants

To test the Virtual assistant:


To see how the Virtual assistant works:

👉 https://creator.celestory.io/project/sCq0Yog6g

To open the Airtable database:

🧮 https://airtable.com/universe/expJ579Nu1UIyTmbM/heavy-check-mark-availibility-check

Updated February 20, 2021 at 10:29 PM
Copied 24 times


Celestory is a nocode game builder for: 🎭 Visual novel 💬 Text adventure 🃏 Playing Cards 🚪 Escape game 🎞 Interactive movie 🕺 Serious Game 🔎 Point&Click 📱 OS Simulation 💯 Quiz 🎧 Audio game
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Grid view