This base is a deep dive into the venture ecosystem surrounding what is undoubtedly one of the most disruptive trends in technnology, Micromobility, or, the unbundling of the way people and things are transported.
"Will the availability of new technologies in the 21st century enable a great unbundling of transportation?"
Horace Dediu - Aysmco / Micromobility Summit
Horace Dediu, writer at Asymco and the creator of the Micromobility Summit is one of the best framework thinkers and communicators in the technology industry and his recent work around a trend he calls "micromobility" has helped many people develop a clearer picture of the shape of future transportation in urban (an non-urban)
The presentations he gave at the recent Micromobility Summit (which I unfortunately missed) are required reading for understanding what the unbundling of the automobile means for the movement of people and goods and the implications that has on how we work, where we live, and how we consume.
As you'll see, there is a lot of work left to do on this Airtable Base. Some information may not be accurate, some outdate, companies missing, etc. Over time, I intend to add richer categorization (for better searchability) and expand the scope of ventures included to more effectively encompass the technology themes that fall under Micromobility.
Photo by Jennifer Boyle on Unsplash