Finding Fun From Home


When we all want to head out, and the only option is online here is a growing list of fun things to do during covid-19.


I'm collating a searchable database from all those lists that are going around, to save everyone from scrolling through the long lists and be able to find something of interestā€¦


I have setup some preset views to get you started, you can filter and sort the list by any of the columns like subject, age or format to find something new.


Contribute: You will be able send a suggestion to our list:


Feedback: Let me know if you have any suggestions to improve this database:


Coming Soon: More updates, and also a parenting section with resources for learning.


Most importantly ā€“ Have fun!

Updated April 5, 2020 at 9:01 AM
Copied 57 times

Trish Cave

Collaborator and innovator, looking to make life easier and especially fun! Currently residing in Melbourne, Australia and journeying across the world everyday from my lounge room.
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