Soviet Space Dogs


This is a database of the dogs who participated in the Soviet space program in the 1950s and 1960s. There are two sheets - one that lists all 48 dogs, and the other that lists the 42 missions that they flew on. The source of this data is Olesa Turkina's excellent book "Soviet Space Dogs", published by Fuel.


Warning: some dogs have multiple names, and some share names.


Dogs: variables

  • Name (Latin) - The name of the dog in latinised Cyrillic
  • Name (English) - A translation of the dog's name into English
  • Name (Cyrillic) - The dog's original name in Cyrillic
  • Gender - The dog's gender
  • Flights - The flights that the dog participated on
  • Fate - The dog's fate, and date of death if it died on a specific mission.
  • Notes - Any extra information about the dog


Flights: variables

  • Date - The date of the mission
  • Dogs - The dogs that participated in the mission
  • Rocket - The rocket that the mission used
  • Altitude - The altitude reached by the mission
  • Result - The result of the mission - details of success or failure
  • Notes - Any extra information about the mission


Updated July 21, 2019 at 9:47 AM
Copied 133 times

Duncan Geere

Information designer interested in climate and the environment.
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