Indian Women Leaders in Tech


Here's a curated list of female founders and tech leaders in India. These women are proudly leading the tech bandwagon in India by serving as examples for young women on one hand and crafting the country's tech scene on the other. This list includes women from various domains donning leadership roles in tech companies, tech founders, and individual contributors who have created a name for themselves in the industry.

PS: This list does very little justice to the fuller picture of Indian women achieving in tech. That being said, we promise to keep this list active and growing.


Who is this list for?


Stop the Manels is an initiative to improve the visibility of women leaders and encourage their representation at events and panels. We curated this list for:

  • Tech event organizers in search of potential women speakers
  • Women in tech to get some solid inspiration. Don't stop with the list, we urge you to spend some time exploring what these women have achieved.
  • Tech aficionados who want to appreciate innovative startups and the founders behind them


How can you use this list?

  • This list is ungated and can be filtered to suit your purpose. If you are looking for a leader in your domain or geo, feel free to filter the fields and download the names for future reference.
  • Call these women as speakers and guests for your events, podcasts, panels and more.


Give us a shout out @stopthemanels on twitter if you found this useful!

Updated July 9, 2020 at 8:56 AM
Copied 31 times

Stop the Manels

Stop the Manels is an initiative to improve the visibility of women leaders in tech conferences. Our directory connects event organizers to a pool of women tech leaders.
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