Create user accounts


🧑 User profile on Celestory (free app builder)

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To allow your users to register with a profile user in your app, you must allow them to:

  • save their information in the Airtable database in a line (a record) that they will create.

  • via the Text Input block and the Airtable/Create block

  • or an Airtable form that does it automatically (to insert in the menus)

  • assign this profile information (text, images) to variables via Assignment blocks.

  • if it connects, load the information via a connection graph
Updated January 22, 2021 at 9:11 PM
Copied 102 times


Celestory is a nocode game builder for: 🎭 Visual novel 💬 Text adventure 🃏 Playing Cards 🚪 Escape game 🎞 Interactive movie 🕺 Serious Game 🔎 Point&Click 📱 OS Simulation 💯 Quiz 🎧 Audio game
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