Civic Tech Companies & Organizations


An overview of the civic tech landscape, including 125+ companies and organizations. This list is linked to in my article, Navigating the Field of Civic Tech, which I wrote in 2018 to help understand what civic tech is, why it’s hard to define, who some of the current players are, and where some of the challenges and opportunities lie moving forward. My hope is that the article and database will be helpful for anyone interested in learning more about the field of civic tech, or even for those already working in the space. Please feel welcome to share this with anyone you think would find it interesting or useful.


Article Link:



**_Please note:_ I have temporarily paused maintaining updates and new additions to this database, so there are likely some entries that are not reflecting the most up-to-date information. Thank you to those who have contacted me requesting new additions since the last update and apologies to anyone I have not been able to add to the list yet or respond to. I will aim to update the list in batches at various intervals moving forward. In the meantime, please feel welcome to continue reaching out if you see a company or organization that isn't here but should be, or an error of any kind.


For any new additions, email and please include:

  • Company/Org Name
  • Website URL
  • Mission
  • Location
  • Size (approx. # of employees)
  • Category (Advocacy, Gov Tech, Voting, Hybrid)
Updated December 4, 2024 at 9:58 PM
Copied 228 times
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