**“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” **
– Jawaharial Nehru
There may be no end to the adventures we can have, but without planning we will never begin, especially if we want to take people along.
I have an adventurous group of friends, who love to explore as much as I do, but we don't go out as much as we like because we can't communicate enough to get everyone on the same page. Even when we do, it takes way longer than it should because the group text ends up full of memes.
This Airtable is for channeling all those "we should totally do that" ideas that start getting thrown around into concrete plans. The process begins with a form where anyone can suggest an idea. After that, the person who suggested it or the person who wants to organize the adventure, starts filling out the details, like cost, how to make reservations, etc. then anyone can join in, set a for sure date and help split the cost.
It's not so much an approval process so much as it is a way for everyone to invite everyone to everything and spell out the details.