Tarot Database + Journal


Includes the following features:

  • A database of all 78 tarot cards with keywords, reversed keywords, and images.
  • Correspondence information for each card.
  • A journal which records daily draws and weekly draws. (Soon to include monthly and yearly draws as well.)
  • Views and apps suited to tracking data in your personal tarot journey, such as identifying encore cards.


Soon to include:

  • Tabs dedicated to study and easy information lookup, including the major arcana, the minor arcana, and the courts.
  • Information on divination such as yes/no, timing, and location based questions.
  • More correspondences, such as gemstones, astrology, numerology, etc.
  • Information on card pairings.
  • Tarot spread directory.
Updated August 1, 2021 at 1:41 AM
Copied 181 times

Erica Kriner

Intern @ NASA and Organization Freak
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