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Tarot Database + Journal
#Sports and games
#Local interest
#Arts and culture
Includes the following features:
A database of all 78 tarot cards with keywords, reversed keywords, and images.
Correspondence information for each card.
A journal which records daily draws and weekly draws. (Soon to include monthly and yearly draws as well.)
Views and apps suited to tracking data in your personal tarot journey, such as identifying encore cards.
Soon to include:
Tabs dedicated to study and easy information lookup, including the major arcana, the minor arcana, and the courts.
Information on divination such as yes/no, timing, and location based questions.
More correspondences, such as gemstones, astrology, numerology, etc.
Information on card pairings.
Tarot spread directory.
Updated August 1, 2021 at 1:41 AM
Copied 181 times
Erica Kriner
Intern @ NASA and Organization Freak
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