Sandwich Projects


We use Airtable for a couple of things, but the one we're in every day is our main base, "Sandwich Projects," which we use it for tracking a project from script to final. Then, after it's complete, we have a full archive of every project. We've built it out over the past year and a half, and on the post side, it's linked up to some custom python scripts that access the API and keep it updated. So yeah, we love it.


(Also, have you seen our video for Airtable? You should watch it.)


This is a redacted and simplified version of our Sandwich Projects base. The Projects table has records for each of our projects, past and present. Each project is linked to a Client, though some clients have multiple projects. A project can also have multiple Videos. Our Team table lets us track key team members and what projects they worked on. Lastly, the **LTO Tapes **table is our database of archive tapes. Each project eventually makes it onto a tape for safe archiving. We refer back to this list when we need to find where a project lives.

Updated November 8, 2019 at 7:21 PM
Copied 1,245 times

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