Jobs to be Done (using the ODI method) — Survey-data Analysis Template


This base is programmed to calculate Opportunity Scores and generate Opportunity Landscape Scatterplots from survey data gathered using the Jobs to be Done framework and Tony Ulwick's Outcome-driven Innovation (ODI) Method.

Jobs to be Done is a useful framework for standardizing the language used to analyze and communicate results of qualitative, formative research. The elements of the framework are:

  1. The Main Job
  2. The Job Performer
  3. The Stage of the Process
  4. Sub-jobs (Related, Social & Emotional jobs per stage)
  5. Needs per stage

Stage 1 of a JTBD study using the ODI method involves collection of qualitative data about the Job Performer and their Main Job in question. This is accomplished by compiling existing sources of information and/or qual. data collection methods like interviews, surveys and contextual inquiries.

Stage 2 of a JTBD study using the ODI method involves quantitative data collection to validate and prioritize each of the needs discovered in stage 1. This is accomplished by distribution of a survey to a larger sample of job performers — asking them to indicate how important each need statement is to them and how satisfied with their ability they are to accomplish each desired outcome when using their current solution.

Stage 3 involves analysis of the quantitative survey data:

For each desired outcome (aka need statement)

  1. Calculate Importance Scores: Sum proportions (percentages as decimals) of respondents who indicated "very important" and "extremely important", and divide by 10
  2. Calculate Satisfaction Scores: Sum proportions (percentages as decimals) of respondents who indicated "very satisfied" and "extremely satisfied", and divide by 10
  3. Calculate the Satisfaction Gap: (Importance Score - Satisfaction score)
  4. Calculate Opportunity Scores: (Importance Score + Satisfaction Gap)

Luckily, with this base there will be no need for you to perform these calculations next time you run a JTBD study using the ODI Method. All the formulas are built into this base so all you have to do is copy and paste your survey data, and presto.

There's a nice little executive summary template you can use for quick, easy, pain-free presentation of your results too.

I hope you find it all useful. Enjoy and happy JTBDing!

Updated December 2, 2020 at 1:24 AM
Copied 151 times

Bobby Gonzalez

Head of User Experience Research at Ellucian
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