Over the years I have spent a lot of time researching ADHD and my diagnosis trying to find out how to cope with ADHD and the challenges I face every day. I always felt out of place, different, foreign, and misunderstood. I was bullied, told I was stupid or that something was inherently wrong with me because I have ADHD, I felt devalued, depressed, and dehumanized. As time progressed more research and study has gone into ADHD and the realities of the struggle, but also the amazing benefits and major successes and achievements that many people with ADHD have achieved. I began to see ADHD as a superpower and learned to harness this amazing gift to do more, be more, and live a more full life. It is my goal and passion to help others come to realize that ADHD does not have to be a soul-crushing sentence, but rather an invitation to a fuller more realized life once you come to understand who you are and what makes you amazingly unique!
I have found a number of excellent resources over hours of research and have compiled a brief list for those of you who have no idea where to start. If you feel like I did at the beginning of my journey, you might feel alone, helpless, and overwhelmed. This is why I created this resource, to kick start your journey to ADHD information and support with these 40+ resources and links to FREE content on the web.
I have been blessed to find out that I am not alone, that many suffer in isolation with varying severities and stigmas of ADHD. We are in desperate need of community and support. In response to this overwhelming need, I have also created a support community called Journey2ADHD where you can connect with others who live with and many who have overcome the stigma of ADHD. We are building a community of people diagnosed with ADHD who can openly discuss addictions, depression, parenting, childhood, learning, jobs, relationships, and so much more free from the fear of bullies and the abuse of those who simply do not understand. If this sounds like a community you would like to be a part of, visit my page www.Journey2ADHD.com to learn more about me, the vision, and the community. I look forward to seeing you there and growing in the community with you!
For now, enjoy these compiled recourses and know, you are not alone, you are not defective, you ARE unique, and you have the greatest superpower in the world! It's time to learn how to harness it!
-Matt R-