Having trouble visualizing how to build a high-performing organization? Want to quickly compare several potential company structures at once? Org charts are indispensable tools for not only planning your team structure, but also communicating that new structure to your internal and external stakeholders.
If you're comparing a variety of possible structures, you can create a new view for each and quickly compare. Are a lot of new team members joining every week? Switch to the gallery view to pull up flashcards of every employee to match names and faces. And because this org chart is cloud-based and collaborative, your team structure, whatever it may be, is easy to share and will always be up-to-date.
This modern, flexible org chart template is perfect whether you're the CRO or the CEO, running human resources, or managing a specific department. Determining the right team structure can be challenging. No matter your organizational structure, this reorg template is flexible enough to work for you. Additionally, this org chart is flexible enough to be used as your full-fledged employee directory - just add job titles, headshots, contact information like phone numbers and email addresses, even birthdays!