We invite you to join Imaguru hackathon “People on the move”
We invite you to participate as a mentor in the hackathon, which will take place on August 26-28, 2022. There are two formats of interaction between mentors and teams. You can choose the format, day/time most convenient for you. **Formats:** Tough Love: A one-on-one mentoring session with selected teams. 30 minutes per team, i.e., three teams per session. You will see a dashboard document with the progress and needs of the team. During the mentoring session, you may discuss how the team wants to reach the goals and advise solutions based on their experience. Check-point: all participants and mentors join the check-point for one hour. Each team, one after one, shares progress. Mentors give their assessments and feedback. You don't have to turn on the camera and sound if you don't intend to speak. We will send the status of the teams beforehand. ** Dates of engaging mentors: Aug 26- August 28 ** ** Final list of teams** The final list of teams will be ready before the hackathon on August 25th. Still, soon we will provide you with access to Imaguru online platform, where you can find the information on what kind of ideas are submitted for the first stage of the hackathon. We believe any contribution will be invaluable for all the hackathon participants. Please let us know through the form below which format is convenient for you. After we confirm the sessions, we will send you an invitation to your calendar. We appreciate it if you agree to join us at this event. Please let us know if you have any questions or comments.