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Apply for Ormeau Labs Fundraising Sprints

We are running Fundraising Sprints in partnership with the British Business Bank and InterTrade Ireland. The next sprint is on 4th September with applications closing 23rd August. We are operating a continuous application process, so you can use this application to apply anytime. This application requires a short overview of you, your company and fundraising status. Some questions are to ensure that we are providing a welcoming environment for founders of all backgrounds. If you have any questions contact Claire on

๐Ÿ‘‹ About you
We'd like to learn a little about you, how to contact you and if there's anything in particular we can do to make this a welcoming environment for you.
    What is your gender?
    What is your ethnic or cultural background?
    Do you have any diagnosed conditions that would impact your involvement on this programme?
    • {name}
    Is there anything youโ€™d like us to know that could help us create an inclusive and welcoming environment for you?
    • {name}
    How would you describe your socio-economic background?
    Socio-economic background as a measure reflecting your education, income, and job type. For example those with lower socio-economic status have had limited access to financial, educational, social, and health resources.
    ๐Ÿข About your company
    Tell us about your funding status
      The programme is designed for founder CEOs
      Please enter your postcode, this programme is for Northern Irish founders only
      What date was your company registered at company house? (month and year)
      What stage are you at?
      • Idea Stage
      • Pre-Seed
      • Seed
      • Series A
      ๐Ÿ“ˆ About your Fundraising
      Tell us about your goals and how we can help
        Who are your current investors?
        • {name}
        Don't worry if you don't know the exact figure.
        Do you have a date when you need to raise money by?
        Which of the upcoming sprints would you prefer to attend?
        If you have any preferences let us know.
        • September
        • October
        • November
        Describe your traction to date
        Briefly describe your progress in areas such as customer, revenue, metrics.
        • {name}
        Is there anything in particular you would like help with?
        We'd like to customise the programme to support your needs.
        • {name}
        Please share a recent deck if you have one
        This is only to provide some additional context, in PDF format.
        Attach file
        Drop files here
        Feedback request
        This programme is free thanks to the kind support of British Business Bank and InterTrade Ireland. Our only ask is that you provide some feedback at the end of the programme and share with us your funding successes. Information provided will be shared with and stored for a maximum of twelve months by Ormeau Baths, British Business Bank and InterTrade Ireland

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