A student might be struggling with decoding if they try to guess a word based on the first letter, try to guess what the word is based on context, or is unable to make sense of individual letters.
A student might be struggling with written expression if one of the following is true:
-Struggles with handwriting and copying text from one place (the board) to another (their paper).
-Struggles to get ideas down on paper quickly.
-Struggles with spelling, grammar, and spacial aspect of writing
A student might be struggling with basic math skills if one or more of the following is true:
- Can not follow the steps required to solve simple math problems
Gets easily frustrated or upset when solving problems
Difficulty estimating cost
Difficulty finding different ways to solve a problem
Lacks motivation/hates math
A student might be struggling with fluency if they read very slowly,
reads primarily word by word, or word groupings are awkward and unrelated to the larger context
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