
Lorem ipsum

LA Community Fridge Check-In

Thanks for helping us keep this fridge going strong! Let us know how the fridge is doing, and request items you'd like to see in the fridge. 📍 Map of active fridges:

_______________________________________ FRIDGE CHECK-IN Fridge
How much food is in the fridge?
¿Cuánta comida hay en el refrigerador?
How clean is this fridge?
¿Está limpio? 1 = needs cleaning ASAP / sucia 2 = a little dirty / así así 3 = sparkly / muy limpio
What brings you to the fridge today?
¿Qué te trae al refrigerador hoy?
  • 🛒 Adding food
  • 🍎 Collecting food
  • 🧽 Cleaning the fridge
  • 🔎 Checking stock levels
  • 🍎 Collecting food
📷 Share a photo of the inside of the fridge and/or pantry. We'd also love to see you! Feel free to add selfies or photos of lovely moments at the fridge. ❤️ (LAFC may repost photos to Instagram)
¿Quieres compartir una foto? (LAFC puede volver a publicar en Instagram)
Attach file
Drop files here
________________________________ FRIDGE REQUESTS Which items would you like to see in the fridge? Select from the categories here or list them below.
Déjenos saber que artículos le gustaría ver en el refrigerador
Which items are fully stocked?
Por favor marque cualquier artículo completamente abastecido
Anything else we should know about this fridge?
¿Algo mas?
  • {name}
Tu Nombre

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