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Call for Art: LunART Youth Art Celebration

Calling all young women visual artists in grades 2-12! We want to see and hear what family means to you. Share your two dimensional art exploring the theme of family and celebrating human connection. Submission Period: Dec 1, 2020 - Feb 8, 2021 For a video tutorial on how to photograph your art and more information, visit: Questions? Contact:

  • {name}
Check the box if you would like to remain anonymous.
Upload image of your artwork here!
JPG or PNG files please. Make sure to take a clear photo, crop around the artwork as much as possible, and use a neutral background. Check out the video at the top of the form for tips on photographing artwork!
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Tell us about what you created!
What materials or techniques did you use to create it? Was there an idea that inspired your art, or a message you want to communicate through it?
  • {name}
What is family, and what does it mean to you?
  • {name}
Image of the Artist herself! (optional)
Upload a picture of the artist to include in the online gallery. Photos may be used for promotional purposes.
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Check the box if you would like updates about future LunART events!

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