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Pure Heart Foundation Site Entry Form

COVID-19 SAFETY INFORMATION: COVID-19 is extremely contagious and is spread mainly from person-to-person contact, Pure Heart Foundation has put in place preventative measures to reduce the spread of COVID-19. However, Pure Heart Foundation cannot guarantee that its participants, volunteers, partners, or others in attendance will not become infected with COVID-19. All staff and visitors must do the following when entering any Pure Heart Foundation building or event: -complete this pre-screening form -get a thermometer check prior to entering -wear a CDC approved mask at all times -practice social distancing guidelines (3-6 feet) -wash your hands as often as possible -wear gloves when possible or necessary We thank you for your kindness and effort to keep our scholars, leaders, and families safe!

Are there any minors joining you today at the Pure Heart site? 
Minors include anybody under the age of 17. Please list their full names here. If they are 18 or older, they must complete their own form.
  • {name}
Pure Heart Site Location
Question 1
In the past 24 hours, have you or any of your accompanied minors had any of the following symptoms unrelated to a pre-existing medical condition: 1. sore throat 2. chills 3. headache 4. muscle pain 5. new loss of taste or smell 6. frequent cough 7. shortness of breath
Question 2
In the past 24 hours, have you or any of your accompanied minors experienced a fever of 100.4℉ or above?
Question 3
Have you or any of your accompanied minors been in close physical contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 within the past 14 days?
Question 4
Have you or any of your accompanied minor(s) received the COVID-19 vaccine?
Entry Terms
I understand the electronic submission of this form effectively serves as my signature and I certify that I have accurately completed the COVID-19 Site Entry Pre-Screening Form and will comply with the outcomes identified above. I understand I may not enter at any District building if I answered YES to any of the questions above. I acknowledge the terms above and certify that I have completed the COVID-19 screening questions for myself and my accompanied minors and will comply with the requirements identified.
Liability Acknowledgement: Release and Waiver
I hereby release, waive, and forever discharge any and all liability, claims, and demands of whatever kind or nature against Pure Heart Foundation and its affiliated partners and sponsors, including in each case without limitation, their directors, officers, employees, volunteers, and agents (the “released parties), either in law or in equity, to the fullest extent permissible by law. Including but not limited to damages or losses caused by negligence, fault, or conduct of any kind on the part of the released parties, including but not limited to death, bodily injury, illness, economic loss, or out of pocket expenses, or loss or damage to property, which I, my heirs, assignees, next of kin, and/or legally appointed or designated representative, may have or which may hereinafter accrue on my behalf, which arise or may hereafter arise from my participation with the activity.
Medical Acknowledgement and Release
I do hereby release and forever discharge the released parties from any claim whatsoever which arises or may hereafter arise on account of any first aid, treatment, and/or service rendered in connection with my participation in the activity.
Liability Waiver
By attending and/or participating in the activity, you are deemed to have given a full release of liability to the released parties to the fullest extent permitted by law for you and your accompanied minor(s).

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