I think it is a good idea especially because of its relevance to racial biases. It can also adress the biggest flaws in the criminal justice system., decriminalized meth, heroin, cocaine, oxy, LSD? amount of people in CA that could be helped - brown/black, POC not enough funds (wellness fund SWELLING used freed up funds from reduced incarceration) INCREASE COSTS - costs of rehab counteract with either net-zero or negative fiscal impact. , I think the idea is great and very thought out., i thought the pitch was great it was well informed. But a problem I had with it was the speech was a little vague and left a lot of room for improvement which legislators can improve upon before delving into the bill language, Reduce drugs to reduce costs to the state, but how? Would it increase people taking drugs therefore leading to increased rehab costs to the state? They are specific about drugs to be decriminalized. Leave it up to the legislator to which drugs should be decriminalized. Use funds from freeing up people who have drug crimes to go to drug rehab. Net 0 fiscal impact they say. No fiscal impact they say. What level of decriminalization will they have? (presumably only users) Leave too much up to the legislators, don't seem to have too much information about their plan, leaving it up to the legislator.