
Lorem ipsum

🎞️ Atlas Showreel Submissions

We want to celebrate your work in our annual showreel to share with the filmmaking world. Especially in times like these, we need to continue to support each other and remember the love we have for the work we do. 🎥🎞️🎬 Submission criteria: Please note that all submissions will be reviewed for possible selection and are not guaranteed inclusion in the final reel. Questions? Please contact the submissions team at

Please include first and last name.
Who should we contact with any follow-up questions?
When was this released (or when will it be released)?
Content Type
Project Details
Tell us more about the work.
  • {name}
  • {name}
Crew and Credits
Who should be recognized on your team? Please include each person's role/title and Instagram social handle.
  • {name}
If the video posted on YouTube, Vimeo or elsewehere, please share the link here. Otherwise, please type "NONE."
Products Featured
What Orion Series were used in this piece? Please select all focal length(s) where applicable.
  • Orion Series
  • Orion Silver Edition
  • Mercury Series
Focal Lengths
Please select all focal length(s) used for this piece.
  • Orion 21mm
  • Orion 25mm
  • Orion 32mm
  • Orion 40mm
  • Orion 50mm
  • Orion 65mm
  • Orion 80mm
  • Orion 100mm
  • Mercury 36mm
  • Mercury 42mm
  • Mercury 72mm
Camera Setup
What camera(s) were used in this piece? Brand, model, etc.
  • {name}
Your experience
Why did you choose to work with Atlas Lens Co. Orion Anamorphics on this particular project? What were some highlights of your experience?
  • {name}
Sharing Feedback
We'd love to share your experience with our community so they can better understand how Atlas Lens Co. may fit into their own creative process. May we share your testimonial?
Distribution Method
All footage must be ProRes 422LT, with a minimum resolution of 2048x858. Send all invites to:
If there is a share link to your submission, include it here.
Submission Notes
Anything else you'd like to share about this piece?
  • {name}
Who from Atlas did you speak to (if applicable)?

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