Talent Registry Form
Thank you for submitting to Chicks That Pitch Talent where Real People are matched with opportunities in the industry. All placements are determined by the demand for the project.
Address *
- {name}
Employment Status *
Select an option
Legal to Work In US *
Talent *
Select an option
Please tell us about your Interests and Skills!
Check all Interests and Skills that apply to you.
Select an option
Union Status
One Headshot and One Selfie *
Attach file
Drop files here
Short Bio *
- {name}
Resume (when applicable)
Attach file
Drop files here
Make it a family affair!
Would any of your family like to be considered as "real people" talent? If so which family members may be interested in participating in projects with you? Please select all that apply.
Select an option
Medical Condition *
Subject to your agreement to the waiver below, please share information regarding any medical conditions that you may have and are comfortable discussing publicly for potential projects. You acknowledge and understand that your personal health information may be protected from disclosure by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act ("HIPAA") and other privacy laws. By selecting, "I agree" below, you knowingly waiving your rights under HIPPA and any other provacy laws and consent to Genuine electronically storing the personal health information that you disclose and reviewing it for purposes of contacting you about future projects for which you may be suited.
By selecting one of the options below, you acknowledge that you have read and understand the above statement
So What's Your Story?
- {name}
How did you hear about us? *
We're glad you found us. Let us know how.
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