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Apply to join the NJ News Commons

Anyone who has a vested interest in quality news and information in New Jersey is eligible to join our network. ⭐ People who work directly in media, news, or journalism can join as a MEMBER. ⭐ People who work outside media but who support quality news and information can join as a STAKEHOLDER. Joining is free, but we do want you to participate. And there are different ways you can show up and support local news as a member of the Commons. To learn more about NJ News Commons membership criteria, requirements, and community guidelines, visit If you have questions about this form or this process, please email the Center directly at NOTE: Those applying to join the NJ College News Commons should select "Member" and apply as usual.

What type of membership are you applying for?
You can join the NJ News Commons as a media member or as an individual stakeholder. Visit to learn the difference. NOTE: If you are applying as a freelancer, please select "Member."
We do not share phone numbers with any outside entity.
What are your pronouns?
Please separate each org name with a comma. If you aren't affiliated with an organization, just type "None."
Alternatively, how would you categorize the work you do? (Ex. "copy editor" or "reporter" or "event planner")
Include the whole URL, not the @username. If you don't have one, just type "N/A."
We need this so we can add you to our members-only Facebook group. If you don't have one, just type "N/A."
Which NJ municipality do you live in?
If you live outside of New Jersey, please select "Other."
Do you identify with any of the following groups, communities, or demographic identities?
Select all that apply. We collect this information because the Center is committed to ensuring our membership is diverse and inclusive.
  • Arab
  • Black
  • East Asian
  • European
  • South Asian
  • Hispanic
  • Latina/o
  • Indigenous
  • Middle Eastern
  • White
  • Woman
  • Other
Tell us a little about yourself.
What are you into? What motivates you? Why did you get into your particular field or the work that you do? 1-3 paragraphs is fine. You can also use this space to provide any additional information about yourself that you were unable to enter in previous fields in this form.

Which of the following communications channels would you like us to add you to?
Select all that apply. Members and stakeholders are automatically subscribed to our general information newsletter and our biweekly Newsroom Digest.
  • Morning newsletter (Daily News Roundup)
  • Collaborative journalism newsletter
  • Local Connection newsletter
  • Bi-weekly newsletter about journalism in New Jersey
I would like to be added to the Center's list of NJ freelancers.
We maintain a public database of NJ freelancers and independent journalists who are looking for work and frequently refer publishers and others to the database when they have jobs or paid work available. NOTE: By checking this box, you agree that the Center can provide your contact information to people or organizations who are looking to hire people for paid freelance work.
I agree to abide by the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics or another comparable code of journalistic ethics.
Review the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics here:
I agree to abide by the Center's membership and community guidelines.
Please read and review the guidelines at before continuing.
I understand my name will be added to the public list of members.
Media members will show name, affiliation, role, expertise and "About" you. Stakeholder will show name and affiliation.

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