
Lorem ipsum

Screening Request Form: Dear Homeland

This request is on behalf of a/an...
It can be an exact date or an approximate date range.
Will you be selling tickets to your screening?
Do you need any of the following captions?
Describe the audience that will be at your screening.
Workers, students, community members, elected officials, parents, organizers, press, film industry, etc.
  • {name}
If you're hosting a non-ticketed screening, could you afford a $125 fee to cover licensing overhead costs?
  • Yes
  • No
VENUE/Platform: Where is the venue for your screening? Or the platform you will use?
Theater, classroom, Zoom, Eventgroove, etc. You can also say you're not sure yet.
  • {name}
Might you be interested in having a speaker for a live Q&A?
Note: Screener will cover any travel costs and speaker honorarium
e.g. Claudia Escobar, Diana Gameros
Anything else you would like to know about your screening plans?
The vision or goals for your event?
  • {name}

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