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Breath and Release: Journaling for Grief Sign-Up Form

Meetings are every 2nd Saturday of the month! Next Group -> SAT. NOV 12, 2022 Time: 10am pst / 1pm est A virtual safe space for BIPOC LGBTQ+ Folx to grieve and process grief through journaling. Zoom link will be sent prior to meeting.

Fam w/ATCQueer
Follow on Instagram & Facebook @atribecalledqueer Website: Donate:
Fam w/The Glorious Hum
Follow on Instagram & Facebook @theglorioushum Website:
This event is meant to be as accessible as possible. No one will be turned away for lack of funds. For those who can afford to make a donation, you are encouraged to do so. For those who can contribute, your donation goes towards sustaining ATCQueer programming. As a budding 501c3 we have so much programming planned for you all! Submit $10 Donation: Write how much you donated ⤵️ Submit the form below!
This is a judgement free safe space. By participating in this program you acknowledge and accept that ALL are welcome regardless of race, gender, sexuality, body size & ability, income, job, and reading ability. We come together with the intention to have fun and to connect. We will encourage each other and be respectful of each other always. Breath and Release: Journaling for Grief centers the BIPOC experience. Non-BIPOC folx are welcome, however, they must acknowledge their role. Non-BIPOC folx are asked to protect this space that intentionally centers the BIPOC experience; witness what is happening in the space and to themselves at the moment; and to honor, taking in what is shared and letting it mean something in their life.

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