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New Member Orientation & Safety Quiz

Provide your member information in the fields below and then continue on to complete the orientation and safety quiz.

Your first name as listed in your official record
Your last name as listed in your official record
Your official college email address
Your preferred contact phone number
Your main school affiliation
Are you 18 years of age or older?
Provide the name of the person you would like contacted in an emergency
Provide your emergency contact's phone number
Quiz 1: When working in the makerspace, what safety measure are you NOT required to take?
Quiz 2: Do not attempt to work in the makerspace when you are in any of the following states of mind:
Quiz 3: It is okay for members to bring non-members in to use the space with them to work on projects
Quiz 4: It is a good practice to work alone in the makerspace.
Quiz 5: Members are required to complete training and testing for all powered tools in the makerspace.
Quiz 6: What safety measures should be followed when operating power tools?
Quiz 7: There are some situations where it is okay to leave powered tools unattended while working in the makerspace.
Quiz 8: What is the minimum weight considered to be a two person lift?
Quiz 9: When soldering, it’s okay to drink a beverage as long as it is covered or has a cap that can be resealed.
Quiz 10: Water can be used to put out an electrical fire.

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