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Magic Eden $1M Creator Fund Launchpad Application

Calling all NFT Creators! Magic Eden is hosting an event to find, fuel, and launch the next generation of bluechip NFT projects on Polygon. This is a once-in-a-Web3 lifetime chance to partner with industry leaders and experts to supercharge your project vision and plant your flag in the Polygon ecosystem Magic Eden is looking to onboard unique, quality projects to drop their collections via Magic Eden Launchpad, our white glove minting + marketing service. We also strongly encourage projects to add themselves to our drop calendar and whitelist tool to strengthen your application at

Are you already in contact with a Magic Eden staff member?
If undecided, input best estimate
If undecided, input best estimate
If not finalized, please add best estimate
Please provide the email address of the main contact person.
Short Description
Share your elevator pitch for your project, including the overall concept and main utility (as applicable).
  • {name}
Team overview:
Are all team members working full time on the project? Tell us about how the team met, how long you have been together and how the project came to fruition:
  • {name}
For EACH team member, please provide the following: 1. Name: 2. Social links (twitter, linkedin, etc. NOTE: we are unable to vet the team just from anon twitter accounts. If you don't have linkedin you could submit a resume/link to a portfolio or similar): 3. Role in team: 4. Background/experience:
  • {name}
Previous projects
Have any team members worked on any projects in the past?
In which timezone does the team mainly operate?
Team attachments
Please attach any documents to best support your submission.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please link the contact details (twitter/discord/linkedin/email) of people who can provide a reference for your team. This can be advisors or ecosystem partners. Use the following format: Name: Contact details (social links): Nature of relationship: Ensure that your referees are current and that they are aware that you have submitted their details, as they will be contacted to provide a reference.
  • {name}
Please describe the long-term goals of your project:
  • {name}
What existing brand / ecosystem partnerships will your project have? These can be launch partners or ongoing partnerships (post mint).
  • {name}
Parent company
Is there a parent brand/company associated with this project?
Partnerships/references attachments
Please attach any documents to best support your submission.
Attach file
Drop files here
1. How much upfront capital has been invested so far? Please attach a summary of the items in the next field. 2. Have you raised outside funding for the project? If yes, please attach any supporting documentation. 3. How long has the project been worked on? 4. Is there a proof of concept or demo to show? Please attach an example in the next field.
  • {name}
Investment: Links and Attachments
Please attach any documents to best support your submission.
Attach file
Drop files here
Legal Entity
Have you established a legal entity for this project?
1. How much money do you have in treasury? 2. What is your burn rate? 3. How much money do you need to raise in total from the mint to execute on the plan? 4. Please outline the breakdown of where mint funds will be allocated (and/or attach budget documents below).
  • {name}
Budget Attachments
Please attach proof of funds and/or budget documents.
Attach file
Drop files here
Please link to, or attach your whitepaper and/or roadmap. A strong whitepaper outlines a clear path to execute all plans and has a clear indication of where funding will be allocated.
  • {name}
Whitepaper/Roadmap Attachments
Please attach any documents to best support your submission.
Attach file
Drop files here
1. Is the artwork completely original? 2. Who is the artist? 3. How did the team meet the artist?
  • {name}
Artwork attachments
Please attach some examples of the artwork.
Attach file
Drop files here
Marketing Overview
1. What is the marketing plan leading up to your mint? (input here or attach below) 2. Are you working with any agencies or advisors? Who?
  • {name}
Collabs & Presales
1. Have you started collabs and/or presales? What percentage of each has been allocated so far? 2. When did you start? 3. Which platforms are you using? 4. Please provide an overview (list communities you have collabs with)
  • {name}
Marketing attachments
Please attach any supporting documents.
Attach file
Drop files here
If selected for Launchpad, I will comply with all the requirements below:
- All team members and advisors with a significant financial interest in the project agree to dox - One team member will KYC through a third-party platform - If terms are agreed upon, I will sign a formal legal partnership agreement

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