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Request for a Trainer / Speaker

You are just one step away from making your special meeting / event memorable! Please enter the requirements in this form. The Office of the Program Quality Director will connect with you soon and allocate a trainer / speaker from our existing trainer / speaker pool. Please give us at least two (02) weeks lead time for the same. For any queries, please contact the Office of the Program Quality Director on

A ten digit mobile number at which you can be contacted
Email Address to correspond about the speaker request
At what level is the session planned to be conducted?
Club Name
If a club level session, please enter the club name
Please select a few topics you would like the trainer / speaker to cover
Any specific Topic to be covered
If you have a specific topic to be covered, please enter it here so we can find a speaker accordingly.
  • {name}
lease give us at least two (02) weeks lead time.
Meeting format for your club/area/division meets
Please select the option that you are most likely to use for the special meeting.
Applicable only for hybrid and in-person meetings

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