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2023 NYSCamp Presentation Proposal Form

Want to get involved with the 2023 National Youth Science Camp? Whether you're looking for a one-time commitment or multiple opportunities to interact with delegates, this form will get you started! This year we will host a hybrid camp. June 19-23 will be virtual from 6 PM to 10:30 PM EDT in the evenings. Delegates will then travel to Washington DC on June 24 to spend the remainder of camp in person at Camp Pocahontas in West Virginia and in Washington, DC. Delegates will leave for DC on July 10 and will depart DC for home on July 12. Virtual programming will all take place in interactive zoom meetings. In-person presentations will occur at Camp Pocahontas, in locations surrounding camp, or in Washington, DC. All virtual lectures seminars, and directed studies, will be at 6 PM EDT. All virtual lectures will be at 7:30 PM EDT. We are currently seeking proposals for presentations in the following formats: Lecture: FULL (UPDATE: All lecture spots have been scheduled. Unless you are submitting information for a lecture we've already scheduled, please consider proposing a virtual seminar or directed study at camp during the 3rd DS block) Each weekday evening during virtual camp we will host a keynote lecture. These will be one hour long interactive zoom meetings with the entire camp delegation invited to attend. Virtual lecturers will attend a tech check and introduction to a delegate who will introduce them at 7:00 PM EDT and give an hour long lecture beginning at 7:30 PM EDT. Virtual lecturers will be asked to stay for 30 minutes past the lecture for a question and answer session. Lectures at Camp Pocahontas will either be between 9:15 and 10:30 AM or 8:00 and 9:15 PM on lecture days. Although we welcome a diversity of lecture proposals, there will only be 26 total lecture slots (5 virtual and 21 in person) available during camp. If you propose a lecture that we decide won't fit into our lecture schedule, we may ask you if you're willing to present it as a virtual seminar instead. Virtual Seminar: (Update: We still have openings for virtual seminars on June 20, 21, and 22. Please consider submitting a proposal!) Similar to a paper or round table presentation at an academic conference a virtual seminar is an opportunity for a presenter to share interesting STEM research, practices, innovations, etc. with delegates who sign up to attend the seminar. These 60 minute single sessions (at 6 PM EDT) can take the form of a lecture or be more informal, but a key aspect of seminars is their interactive nature that includes presenters engaging with the delegates rather than simply presenting to them. Unless the nature of the seminar makes it absolutely necessary, we ask that you don't put a participant limit on seminars. Directed Study: (Update: Unless you are submitting information for a directed study that is already scheduled, please do not propose a directed study for the first block June 26-28. We do, however, still have openings for directed studies in the second and third blocks.) A Directed Study is similar to a Seminar: it lasts 60 minutes virtually or 90 minutes in person on 3 consecutive days. During the study, the presenter provides a model and a close guiding hand through an inquiry/exploration and minds-on approach to learning; the participants should be able to pose questions, develop conceptual understanding through exploration, and draw conclusions. Delegates are expected to attend all sessions of a directed study. Consequently, directed studies can also include "homework" assignments for the delegates to work on in preparation for the next session. Unless the nature of the directed study makes it absolutely necessary, we ask that you do not put a participant limit on your directed study. Directed Overnighter: At past in person camps, some of the overnighters have been directed by visiting scholars who turn the camping trip into a directed study. If you'd like to propose a directed overnighter during one of our two overnighter blocks, please do so. Virtual Tour: Past virtual camps have included virtual tours of the Green Bank Observatory and the National Gallery of Art. If you would like to host a 60 minute virtual tour, we'd love to consider it. In Person Tour: If you would like to propose a tour for the delegation while the delegates are in West Virginia or in Washington, DC you may propose one. Past in person tours have included the Greenbank Observatory and the National Art Gallery. Virtual Panel Discussion: Each year at camp the AAAS hosts a panel on science policy in Washington, DC. We're open to additional virtual panel discussions that bring experts in a field of study together to briefly introduce themselves and their research/experiences and then open the floor to questions from delegates. These will occur at 6 PM EDT on Friday June 23. Special Event: Each year at camp we provide some surprise special events for delegates. Virtually or in person, these have usually involved musical performance. If you'd like to propose to host a special event (a concert or something similar) please let us know. Hobbies and Skills Session: At in person camp these used to be called seminars. If you are selected as an in person lecturer or directed study presenter, you will also be asked to give a Hobbies and Skills Session while you are at camp. We are not, however, soliciting hobbies and skills sessions via AirTable for the 2023 camp. Past Hobbies and Skills seminars have included demonstrations, tutorials, and opportunities for delegates to practice skills like self-defense, cooking, yoga, music, sports, outdoor skills, solving puzzles, calligraphy, 3-D printing, storytelling, etc. If you wish to submit multiple proposals, please submit this form once per proposal.

Proposed Presenter(s)
Click on the "+ Add" button below and search for your name. Once you find your profile, select by clicking on it to link your proposed presentation to you. If you don't find your name, make sure you have filled out our quick presenter registration form first: If this is a joint presentation, please attach all proposed presenters.
Please tell us about briefly about yourself and your connection with NYSCamp.
  • {name}
Proposal Type (Select One)
Note: unless you're submitting information for a lecture that has already been scheduled, please do not submit a lecture proposal at this time. If you do, we will ask you to consider doing it as a virtual seminar on June 20, 21, or 22. We will also not be scheduling any virtual directed studies.
Virtual or In Person Presentation
Please let us know if you would prefer to present virtually, would prefer to present in person, or would be fine presenting either virtually or in person
  • I prefer giving a virtual presentation
  • I prefer giving an in-person presentation
  • I am willing to give either a virtual or an in-person presentation
Abstract of Proposed Presentation
Please share a 1-2 paragraph abstract of your proposed session that will be used to promote your session on the schedule.

If you have documents or slides that correspond to this proposal, upload them here.
Attach file
Drop files here
Willingness to present multiple times
If you're willing to offer your session multiple times to accommodate more delegates, please let us know here.
Please answer the following questions regarding permissions for the NYSCamp to record and/or photograph your sessions. If a session has multiple presenters, all must come to an agreement about the following survey questions. 1. May we video and audio record your lecture, special event, tour, seminar, or directed study?
2. May we photograph/take screenshots of your lecture?
If you have any special instructions or requests related to your proposed presentation, please share them here.
  • {name}

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