Some places to find startup roles
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Hacker News jobs thread
WellFound jobs platform
Andreessen Horowitz portfolio job board
Entrepreneur First portfolio job board
Sequoia Capital portfolio job board
YCombinator portfolio job board
Accel portfolio job board
Top YCombinator companies by valuation
List of top On Deck companies
List of promising AI startups (CB Insights)
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Startup roles at YCombinator companies that have been posted on Hacker News. This generally skews towards roles for software engineers.

WellFound, formerly AngelList, is a global hiring platform where startups posts open roles at their companies. It offers a relatively comprehensive list of roles at startups from around the world.

Startup roles at companies funded by Andreessen-Horowitz (a top venture capital company based in San Francisco, US). Andreessen Horowitz invests in both early-stage startups and established growth companies with investments spanning the healthcare, consumer, cryptocurrency, gaming, fintech, education and enterprise IT (including cloud computing, security, and software as a service) industries.

Startup roles at Entrepreneur First companies. Entrepreneur First is an international talent investor, which supports individuals in building technology companies. As of 2022 it had more than 3,000 people go through its programme to create more than 300 companies worth over $10 billion in value.

Startup roles at companies funded by Sequoia Capital (a top venture capital based in San Francisco, US) which specialises in seed stage, early stage, and growth stage investments in private companies across technology sectors.

Startup roles at companies incubated by YCombinator (a startup accelerator which has launched 4,000 companies - including Airbnb, Coinbase, Cruise, DoorDash, Dropbox, Instacart, Quora, PagerDuty, Reddit, Stripe and Twitch). They also accept nonprofits - 80,000 Hours were in their summer 2015 batch.

Startup roles at companies funded by Accel (a top venture capital company based in San Francisco, US) which invests in technology companies across sectors and makes investments at the seed, early and growth-stages of a company.

A list of YCombinator's top private companies, public companies, and exits by valuation. YCombinator is a startup accelerator which has launched 4,000 companies - including many household name tech businesses.

A list of top companies funded by On Deck, a startup accelerator. They include 50 companies looking at growth, funding and the types of problems the companies are aiming to solve.

A list of 100 of the most promising private AI companies in the world (some of which will have security or safety focused roles).

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