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Solar Protocol: Expression of Interest

Apply to be a server steward as a part of Solar Protocol. A server steward is someone who can host and care for a solar server and who is interested in being a guest collaborator on our project. We're currently looking for people or organizations in different locations around the world who can host one of our servers for at least a year and who are also interested in contributing their domain expertise to help us explore this network together. We are aiming to establish a server on every continent in the world (except perhaps for Antarctica). Ideally, a server steward would have a basic understanding of programming (specifically with Raspberry Pi/ Linux) and IT infrastructure to assist us with troubleshooting the installation. However, we are also able to bring on a few collaborators with less experience and who can offer different perspectives on the project. At this point there is opportunity for both institutional collaborators like arts venues and universities that might be able fund their own participation as well as individuals or collectives without these resources. If you fall into the latter group, we have a budget to cover expenses for DIY/independent collaborators. Server stewards should demonstrate a willingness to build community and share materials and resources through teaching and learning. If you have a sunny rooftop and are interested in experimenting with us, please read the q and a on our site ( and fill the form below:

So we know who you are.
So we can get in touch with you.
At this stage you don't need to give you exact address, but please tell us what country and city you are in.
I have read the technical/physical requirements and I have access to a site that could work.
Please explain your interest in Solar Protocol.
How is this project related to your interests? Is it connected to any other things you are doing?
  • {name}
Are you a part of an institution or collective? If so, tell us a little bit about it.
  • {name}
What is your general availability? What sort of time do you have available for this project?
Solar Protocol will run for a year, with a public event in March that we ask you to attend. Please estimate your availability to contribute to the project.

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