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#NovaGoing Submission

We would love to feature you in our #NovaGoing social media series, which will highlight the successes of our graduates. We plan to feature stories throughout the summer, although the number of submissions will determine the cadence of posts. This information will also be shared with your college for additional posting on their social media channels. An example of a #NovaGoing post can be viewed at

First and last, please!
Your pronouns will be used in the social media caption for your #NovaGoing feature and may be used on our Career Connections platform if your submission is highlighted.
Community Identities
Your #NovaGoing submission may also be highlighted on our Career Connections platform. If you would like to be featured on specific identity and affinity pages, please self-select which identities you feel comfortable being featured on. Note: This is optional.
  • Disability
  • First-Generation
  • International
  • LGBTQ+
  • Veteran
  • Women
  • Athlete
A photo that showcases your Villanova experience. Please include a photo that only pictures you and keep in mind the picture will be posted on social media.
Attach file
Drop files here
Information for Post
A brief description of your next destination. This could include military service, graduate school, employment, volunteer opportunities or any other career you're pursuing.
  • {name}
This year we're highlighting Student Organizations as part of the #NovaGoing Campaign. Please list which organizations you are a part of, separated by commas (,).
Please only share if you feel comfortable; we would use this only to tag you when we make your post!

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