
Lorem ipsum

2020/12/18 09:00-18:00 TMU BioMed Accelerator Clinical Immersion and Strategy Workshop『Registration』 北醫生醫加速器 臨床實察策略工作坊『報名表』

Please fill up the form carefully 請仔細填寫清楚相關資料

Register Type 報名身份
Vegetation 是否需要素食
We would provide lunch meal for all participant 我們會提供餐點給所有報名人員
What do you expect from the workshop 你期待在本次工作坊聽見什麼內容?
  • {name}
In the future, are you willing to receive the latest biomedical innovation and investment activity information from "TMU BioMed Accelerator" 未來是否願意收到來自『北醫生醫加速器』最新生醫新創、投資活動資訊?(必填)

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