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SciTeen Interest List

By filling out the form below, you are opting in to be on an email distribution for HMNS at Sugar Land. If you are interested in information about the 2025 SciTeen Program, please see the information below or contact The application will open late January and close mid-March. If you do not receive information by then, please check your spam or reach out to us directly for the link to the application. Eligible candidates must be: ⦁ Between 14 – 17 years old, or a rising high school freshman (if under 14) ⦁ Dependable, Positive, Quick Learner ⦁ Able to engage and interact with visitors of all ages & backgrounds ⦁ Enthusiastic about explaining and demonstrating science activities Requirements: ⦁ Teen applicant must independently complete and submit their own application ⦁ Submit 2 recommendation letters from non-related adult with direct knowledge of student’s educational or work background ⦁ Be available for onsite interview in March/April ⦁ Attend mandatory onsite all day Saturday training ⦁ Teen must commit to a minimum of four full weeks of volunteering during June and July Monday- Friday 10AM -3PM (additional weeks are available) Optional Presidential Award: ⦁ We are a certifying organization for President’s Volunteer Service Award. Teens 14-15 years old will need a minimum of 50 hours (2 weeks) to qualify and 16-25 years old will need minimum 100 hours (4 weeks)  See link for more information Please feel free to forward to your family and friends who may be interested. * Email questions to Sierra Ridley at * Thanks, HMNS Team

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