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WAI Fellowship Mentoring

If you would like to be considered for a role hosting, advising and mentoring future Wild Animal Welfare Early-Career Fellows, please complete this form to tell us about you and your research.

Please enter your preferred name.
If you need to insert multiple email addresses, please separate them with a single comma ( , ).
Please add the URL for any relevant website or webpage. If you would like to share the details for multiple sites, please separate them with a single comma (,).
Please attach your CV, detailing your academic and any professional experience.
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Willing to mentor postdoctoral fellows
Please tick this box to confirm that you have the capacity and willingness to mentor one or more postdoctoral researcher.
Able to host postdoctoral fellows
Please tick this box to confirm that you are currently affiliated with an academic institution and able to host postdoctoral researchers.
Hosting / Mentoring Details
Please provide any additional conditions or clarification about your willingness or ability to mentor and/or host postdoctoral researchers through the WAI Fellowship Program. (Optional) If you are only able to host specific individuals, please enter their details here.
  • {name}
Research interests
Please summarize, in 200 words or fewer, your principal research interests, including questions addressed by other members of your group or lab. Please also describe any new research directions that you plan to explore.
  • {name}
Relevant Publications (URL)
To support your application please share the URLs for your 5 most relevant publications.

Relevant Publications (pdf)
You may share a pdf of up to 5 relevant publications
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Interest in welfare
Please explain, in 200 words or fewer, what interests you about wild animal welfare and what would make you a good mentor for a wild animal welfare fellow.
  • {name}
Do you have a suitable project idea that you are looking to find a postdoctoral researcher for? A suitable project is a project that explicitly combines animal welfare and the study of wild animals.
Where did you first hear about WAI's fellowship program?
  • Wild Animal Initiative's website
  • Wild Animal Initiative's newsletter
  • A friend or colleague
  • Someone from Wild Animal Initiative contacted me directly
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Departmental mailing list
  • A listserv
  • Another organization
  • Other
Demographics permission
Would you be willing to provide some information about yourself in order to help us assess and improve the equitability of our grants program? This information will be kept separate from our review process, but will be used in the future to help us reach a more diverse pool of scientists.

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