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TestGorilla - Testpreneur interest form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Testpreneur with TestGorilla. Please fill in the form below to tell us more about your expertise and the test(s) you'd like to develop. We're looking forward to receiving it!

What's your primary area of expertise?
Have you reviewed our test library to see what tests we've already developed? If you have, check the box below.
If you haven't, please review: - our tests by type here: - our tests by development stage/availability here: Once you've reviewed those, please check the box below.
Give us just a short title here, for example, "Digital Marketing." It's okay if your test idea isn't included in the Available tests in the lists above; we're open to new ideas. Please don't repeat tests we've already developed. If we already have that test, we won't develop it again.
Tell us a little bit more about your test idea.
What skills would the test evaluate? What roles would it be relevant for?
  • {name}
What's the best way to review your qualifications and experience?
Anything else you'd like to add?
  • {name}

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