206 St Vincent Street, Glasgow
Having successfully completed a refurbishment exercise twelve years ago to bring the offices at 206 St Vincent Street up to the then “Category A” standard, our client, BMO Rep approached GD Lodge Architects, in conjunction with KJ Tait Engineers, to undertake a validation exercise on the building. The remit was to bring the common parts and vacant office floors at ground and first floors up to current “Category A” standard, as well as increasing the design occupan
Quarry Road is the initial phase of a larger regeneration masterplan in the heart of Irvine for North Ayrshire Council, which aims to promote health and wellbeing. The former brownfield site is next to the historic recreation park which was once the home of the Caledonian greyhound race track and will be revitalised with new football pitches and outdoor sport facilities. The building will not only provide high quality office accommodation but is also a landmark - forming a gateway for safe, lan