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Spark is a "lightning-fast cluster computing" framework for Big Data that provides a general data processing platform engine and lets you run programs up to 100x faster in memory, or 10x faster on disk, than Hadoop. This course is for data science enthusiast learners who will use PySpark, a Python package for Spark programming and its powerful, higher-level libraries such as SparkSQL, MLlib (for machine learning), etc. At the end of this course, they will have gained an in-depth understanding of PySpark and its application to general Big Data analysis.

What is your Professional Status?
Are you already familiar with following concepts?
Please check all options that apply
  • Python Programming
  • Python Libraries (Pandas, Numpy etc.)
  • SQL
  • Deep Learning Basis
Why do you want to join the course?
Please elaborate how this course can help you in your educational or professional goal(s)
  • {name}
Are you willing to give a small contribution of $25 at the beginning of the course?
This contribution does not cover the cost of the course but just to make sure you are serious about the course. We will ask you to donate (no obligation) at the end of the course based on how you saw the value of the course. All the money will be given to the instructor.

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