Splitting rides in transit deserts: Ride-splitting dynamics in Chicago before, during and after the pandemic
Thesis or Dissertation
Transportation Network Companies (TNCs) might constitute a solution for transit dependent population who live in areas with limited or even non-existent public transit service, also known as “transit deserts”. Ride-splitting was introduced by TNCs as an affordable on-demand mobility option which offers door-to-door service while sharing a trip with another passenger. Due to its affordability, ride-splitting can increase even more the accessibility of low-income and disadvantaged population. We s
Decarbonizing Metropolises: Analyzing New York's LL97 and Boston's BERDO Net Zero Policies
Thesis or Dissertation
Carbon neutrality and net zero have emerged as critical goals in global climate governance, seeking to address human activities annvironmental and social implicasocial Earth. This thesis provides a captivating exploration of urban decarbonization by critically examining New York's Local Law 97 (LL97) and Boston's Building Energy Reporting and Disclosure Ordinance (BERDO) through the lens of system thinking. The study assesses the impact of these pioneering net zero policies on office spaces, res