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Synchronicity Theatre Technician and Craftspeople Inquiry Form

Thank you for you interest in working with Synchronicity Theatre. We are building our database for electricians, general technicians, carpenters, designers, technical directors (and ATDs), etc. Our hourly rate is $16-20/hour, based on experience level. Internships and Production Boot Camp training sessions are also available. If you are interested in working with us, please take a few minutes to fill out the form below.

If you would like to share, please select all that apply.
  • She
  • He
  • They
  • Other
How did you learn about Synchronicity?
Attach file
Drop files here
Please let us know your availability
  • Available weekdays
  • Available weekday evenings
  • Available weekends
We would like to know a bit more about your work experience and skills.
For the following 10 questions: Please rate your general skill/experience level for each category. For reference - --"basic skills" = I know the general tools and how to handle them, and can do simple tasks with instruction --"intermediate skills" = I can work with written instructions on my own, and know when to ask questions/for help. --"highly skilled" = I am capable of picking up a project with little to no guidance from plans and/or patterns. I am comfortable leading others through tasks.
    Technical Direction
    Scenic Painting
    Light Board Op
    Sound Board Op / Mixing
    Projections / Video Technician
    Stage Management
    Stitcher / Costume Build
    Do you own / bring your own tools?
    Do you design? If so, please share a little bit about your work in design:
    • {name}
    How did you hear about us?
    Anything else you want to let us know?
    • {name}

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