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Weekday Volunteer Application

This form is intended for nonclinical volunteers interested in volunteering with the Refugee Health Alliance (RHA) during our weekday clinics in Tijuana, MX and Reynosa, MX. Once we receive your submission, we will contact you via email to coordinate further. To learn more about the work that RHA does, please refer to our website Application deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis *** It is important that all volunteers understand that we are a SMALL organization of individuals endeavoring to address a LARGE public health and safety crisis. That being said, our organization and our coordinators cannot be responsible for the individual safety and comfort of our volunteers. The only reassurance we can offer is our familiarity with the shelter sites and the community that we work in, as well as security in numbers. If you are not comfortable traveling into Tijuana or into the refugee shelters where our patients are living, please reconsider applying and refer to our website for additional ways to support our work in attempting to address the current situation.

he/she/they/him/her/his/hers/their, etc
Please upload a photo of yourself
Attach file
Drop files here
Please select General Volunteer
Preferred Clinical Site
Please select which of our two clinical sites you would like to volunteer at.
For our records, please upload a copy of your active license and resume
Attach file
Drop files here
Have you received a Covid 19 vaccine and at least 1 booster?
Comment on vaccination status (if applicable)
  • {name}
Please describe your Spanish fluency
For our weekday clinic, all documentation is done in Spanish (different from our Saturday shelter outreach). If you are not comfortable documenting or speaking to patients in Spanish, then we request that you coordinate interpretation through the use of a telephone service or an in-person volunteer. We have some local connections with volunteer interpreters if you need us to put you in contact with someone.
Feel free to elaborate if needed
Do you speak or write any French/Creole?
Helpful for many of our Haitian patients, but not a requirement.
Feel free to elaborate
Special skills
(e.g. wound and ostomy care, diabetes educator, nutrition specialist, etc.)
  • {name}
What kind of training or prior experience do you have working with vulnerable populations? What are your expectations and/or intentions for participating in the work that the Refugee Health Alliance (RHA) does?

Orientation Materials sent
Availability to Volunteer
What dates are you considering volunteering for? We generally ask for a long-term commitment if you can make it work just since it takes so much logistical effort on our part to orient a new provider.
  • {name}
Have you signed our Acknowledgement Statement?
To ensure that all volunteers are comfortable with our overall mission and the work that we do, we ask EVERY volunteer to sign our acknowledgement statement. Please do so if you have not already:

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