
Lorem ipsum

Express interest in using our coworking office

We've set up a coworking office 10 min cycling or bus from Amsterdam Central Station (HNK Houthavens). The aim of the space is to create an enriching environment shared by our engaged professionals doing or looking for high impact work. We'll get back to you within one or two working days. You can answer the form in Dutch or English.

Which best describes you?
(Optional) Feel free to describe your involvement with effective altruism.

Please describe how you're aiming to maximize your positive impact.
You can be as brief as you'd like, and please don't write more than 150 words.

Which hours?
Agree to office guidelines
I hereby grant EAN consent for the use of my personal data as described in the privacy policy. I am aware that I have the right to withdraw my consent at any moment.

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