Youth Food Committee Application
As a member of the Youth Food Committee, youth will have the opportunity to: -Learn about food issues in York Region and develop leadership skills, -Connect with other engaged youth and leaders in York Region, -Pitch, contribute and/or lead food policy, advocacy and/or education initiatives. -Be part of something that positively impacts the community Are you, or someone you know: -Between the ages of 18-30 living, working, studying, or with roots in York Region? -Interested in food issues, and/or social and environmental justice? -Keen to share your experience and ideas while contributing to advocacy, education and policy processes to address local food and justice issues? If the answer is "YES!" please join (or share) our Youth Food Committee! Please complete the following application form by Nov 16th, 2020! ________________________________________________________ Our first meeting will be held online in January or February of 2021. This meeting will be a co-design session to discuss the Committee’s interests and what you wish to gain or actions you’re interested in taking with the Youth Food Committee. ________________________________________________________ Location: York Region Food Network (YRFN) is an innovative non-profit based in Aurora, Ontario. During the pandemic, this position can be carried out from home. Time Commitment: up ~2-3 hours/month, consisting of a 1-hour monthly meeting and about an hour’s time worth of meeting preparation, which may include learning materials or sub-committee working group meetings. This is a volunteer position. York Region Food Network connects and empowers people to access healthy food through education and advocacy. Our work is guided by the fundamental belief in the right to food. All of our programs and services are designed to create opportunities for community members of all ages and backgrounds to come together, enjoy local and healthy foods and form social networks. We recognize that youth are not only the leaders of tomorrow but the leaders of today. On September 3rd York Region Food Network hosted a youth panel that started a much overdue discussion on how youth lead and can change the way we grow, produce and consume food. We want a community where health and social justice are prioritized and all residents have economic and physical access to healthy, local, culturally acceptable and environmentally sustainable food. We believe youth are vital in making this happen. That's why we are forming a Youth Food Committee where youth can come together to discuss and act on food issues in York Region. This role is perfect for anyone with a passion for food and their community.