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New Guest Interest Form

Thank you for your interest in visiting MAPLE! If you are interested in a full-time Stewardship Training Residency, please visit: Our standard rate for service guests is $100 per person per night. Our standard rate for coworking guests is a sliding scale of $150 - $200 per person per night. Limited financial aid is available. Arrangements can be made for shuttle rides to and from Burlington on Wednesdays for $100 round-trip.

Have you been to MAPLE?
If you don't know your specific arrival or departure dates, please list some possible options here.
  • {name}
Note that we can only receive guests at specific times and may ask that you arrive at a different time.
How will you arrive?
What type of visit are you interested in?
  • General Inquiry (Default)
  • Service Guest
  • Coworking Guest
  • Coworking Residency
  • AI Fellowship
  • Day Visit (not overnight)
  • Family Visit
Room Assignment
Rooms are generally shared with 2-5 people.
Please put the name, phone number, email, and relationship
Any allergies, health concerns, or dietary requirements?
  • {name}
Do you have, or have you ever had, any mental health problems such as depression or anxiety, panic attacks, schizoid disorders, etc.?
  • {name}
Do you have prior meditation/retreat experience?
If you plan to join us for an Awakening retreat, please include details such as how long you’ve been practicing, number/type of retreats attended (if any), etc.
  • {name}
How did you hear about us?
Tell us more about how you heard about us
If you heard about us from a friend, please let us know who! If from social media or from a website, please let us know which piece of content.
  • {name}
If you need financial aid, check the box below.
Questions, comments, anything else to share?
  • {name}
Refund Policy
Please check this box to confirm you have noted that your payment is non-refundable. In special cases we may allow for it to be used later as a credit.
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