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Teach at the Idea Lab

Thank you for your interest in teaching at the Idea Lab! Fill out the form below to let us know what you'd like to teach. We will reach out if your class fits with our space and goals and take next steps from there. If you are interested in teaching more than one class, please fill out this form separately for each class.

Class summary
Write as much or as little as you'd like about your idea for a class! You can include the project people would make, the steps you'd go through, topics you'd cover, etc.

What equipment and supplies does your class require? Are you bringing special equipment of your own or using Idea Lab equipment?

Please select any and all times you could teach.
  • Weekday morning
  • Weekday afternoon
  • Weekday night
  • Weekend morning
  • Weekend afternoon
  • Not sure
Paid or volunteer?
Select whether you would like to be paid or if you would like to volunteer your time. We support independent makers, artists, entrepreneurs, and others and have a budget to pay you for your time. We are also thankful for those who volunteer because it allows us to offer more classes.
Feel free to attach any project pictures, lesson plans, or other things related to your class if you have them. If not, that's okay too!
Attach file
Drop files here

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