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Neighborhood Wellness Survey

Take a minute to answer a few questions about the Whittier Neighborhood from your perspective. Please only take this survey if you live in the Whittier neighborhood.

Ex. 701
Ex. East 8th Street
Do you live in the Whittier neighborhood?
Do you OWN or RENT your residence?
What do you feel your neighborhood boundaries are?
What do you like MOST about living in your neighborhood?

What do you like LEAST about living in your neighborhood?

Which of these statements best describes how you feel about living in your neighborhood?
Rate Crime, drug or violence
Rate Unemployment
Rate Public schools not providing a quality education
Rate Homelessness
Rate Cultural Activities
Rate Recreational activities
Rate Affordable, quality child care
Rate Abandoned or run-down buildings
Rate Unsupervised children and teenagers
Rate People do not get involved in efforts to improve the community
Rate Affordable housing
Rate Tension between racial or ethnic groups
Rate Lack of good places to shop for food and other items
What suggestion(s) do you have to make your neighborhood a safer and better place to live?

Are there specific areas in your neighborhood that need to be cleaned up or repaired?

Is there a city service that your neighborhood needs that is not being provided?
Identify needed service

Do not submit passwords through Airtable forms. Report malicious form