Academic Year: Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research
CELT supports Tulane’s mission and status as a research university by encouraging and supporting faculty mentored undergraduate research. This award is open to all schools, disciplines, and majors. Applications from the arts and humanities are strongly encouraged. Importantly, students must be currently enrolled full-time, must not receive any academic credit for this research project (including honors thesis credit or independent study), must be in their 3rd or 4th year (4+1 students in their 5th year are not eligible), must not have received a previous CELT grant for the same project, and must have at least a 2.5 GPA.
Summer: Award for Faculty Mentored Undergraduate Research
CELT supports Tulane’s mission and status as a research university by encouraging and supporting faculty mentored undergraduate research. This award is open to all schools, disciplines, and majors. Applications from the arts and humanities are strongly encouraged. Importantly, students must be currently enrolled full-time, must not receive any academic credit for this research project (including honors thesis credit or independent study), must be in their 3rd or 4th year (4+1 students in their 5th year are not eligible), must not have received a previous CELT grant for the same project, and must have at least a 2.5 GPA.
The Fran and Mark Berg Public Service Scholarship provides a one-year scholarship to one or more Tulane University rising junior or senior who has shown significant commitment to community engagement activities and has an interest in working in a public service or social service occupation after graduation.
This grant supports undergraduate students conducting community-based research as part of an independent study course or an approved honors thesis. CPS defines community-based research as collaborative, change-oriented research that engages students and community members in projects that address community needs.
Independent Study
Honors Thesis
Public Service Contribution
Mentor Contact Information
Project Description
Proposals should address the following information and should not exceed three pages. Honors Thesis/Independent study description including: project rational, plan for community partnership, research plan, dissemination plan, explanation of public service contribution (Why is this research a public service?), a detailed budget and budget narrative, and Thesis Director or Faculty Advisor contact information.
Proposals will be accepted on a rolling basis until grant money has been fully utilized and should be electronically submitted to Myriam Huet (, Assistant Director at the Center for Public Service. Honors Thesis proposals should also be submitted to Trina Beck (, Assistant Dean, Honors Program. For more information, please contact Myriam Huet (
up to $250 (individuals) OR up to $500 (student organizations)
Felson Fund Award
The Felson Service Fund awards small grants to undergraduate students interested in starting new programs, expanding existing programs or further their professional development within community and civic engagement. Grant requests are reviewed during the fall and spring academic terms only. Funds are generally limited to $250 for individuals and up to $500 for student organizations. You must complete and application with a full project and budget proposals on wave sync.
October 15th (Fall cycle), March 15th (Spring cycle)
Community Engagement Grants
These grants fund projects focusing on service to a community. An essential component of the project is the involvement of a local grassroots organization, and a letter of support from that organization must be included with the proposal. In addition, the projects must in some way directly involve and benefit undergraduate students at Tulane. A community service project team must be developed and must include: (a) a Tulane faculty member, (b) student applicant(s), and (c) a local grassroots organization. An agreement between the faculty member, student, and local grassroots organization must be submitted with the proposal. The agreement should include a time frame of the community service project and the roles/responsibilities of the faculty member and of each student at the volunteer site. The agreement should also include the role of the local grassroots organization at the volunteer site. The faculty member and each student involved MUST sign the agreement. The application packet should include one copy of a short resume of student applicant/grant coordinator and one copy of the short cv of the faculty member involved with the project. Full-time, undergraduate Tulane University students (including those enrolled in 4+1 programs) are eligible to apply for funding from Newcomb Institute.
Full Time Student
Mission Statement
Community Engagement Project Description
Project Description
Faculty Sponsor Approval Form
Letter of Recommendation
Complete application form for Fall cycle found here:
October 15th (Fall cycle), March 15th (Spring cycle)
Conference Presentation/Attendance Grants
These grants will fund travel expenses for undergraduate students who present papers, participate in a panel, or attend professional academic meetings. Students may apply for funding after the paper has been submitted but before acceptance, and funding may be conditional upon acceptance of the paper. The student should indicate if they will attend the conference regardless of the acceptance of their paper. Students must complete such travel prior to graduating from Tulane University. Preference is given to presenters or panel participants over conference attendees, and proof of submission or acceptance must be included with the proposal. If attending and not presenting, the applicant must describe how attendance at the conference is important to their academic work. Proposals for conference attendance, as opposed to conference participation, may be only partially funded. Any student requesting funding for travel to non-academic meetings/competitions must show a close connection to the student's academic study and should discuss the coursework they have taken that prepares them for this event. Students must also provide an unofficial transcript with this type of proposal. Full-time, undergraduate Tulane University students (including those enrolled in 4+1 programs) are eligible to apply for funding from Newcomb Institute.
Full Time Student
Faculty Sponsor Approval Form
Personal Statement
Letter of Recommendation
Complete application form for Fall cycle found here:
Applications for conference presentations may be accepted and considered outside of the regular grant cycle. Please email for out of cycle grant review.
Summer Only
April 15th & May 15th
Up to $3,400
Newcomb Summer Internship Grants
The Newcomb Institute's Summer Internship Grants program provides support for students who are pursuing unpaid or minimally-paid internships that have a significant gender equity focus. Students may request up to $2000 to assist with summer living expenses, internship travel, or other associated expenses. Students must address how their internship contributes to the Newcomb Institute’s mission of pursuing gender equity. Full-time, undergraduate Tulane University students (including those enrolled in 4+1 programs) are eligible to apply for funding from the Newcomb Institute. Students graduating in May 2023 may not apply for funding for internships completed after they have graduated.
The Gender and Technology (HASTAC) grant program offers grants for sohphomores and juniors who want to conduct research on topics relating to gender and technology. Students will work approximately 30 hours producing a digital research project that will be published on the SophieLab website. Students may receive sponsorship to apply to the HASTAC Scholar program. Students can propose their own projects or have one assigned to them. Additional program details found here:
2nd year
3rd year
No information provided
Application link not yet provided
October 15th (Fall cycle), March 15th (Spring cycle)
Independent Research Grants
Newcomb Institute research grants support students in the pursuit of independent research projects that align with the Newcomb Institute’s mission of advancing gender equity. If a student is assisting in a faculty member's lab or on a faculty member's project and the research is primarily the faculty member's, the faculty member should apply for the grant and name the student as an assistant who can be paid a stipend. If the research is that of the student with the faculty member providing guidance or collaboration, then the student may apply for a grant to cover research expenses but cannot receive a stipend. Full-time, undergraduate Tulane University students (including those enrolled in 4+1 programs) are eligible to apply for funding from Newcomb Institute.
Students seeking funding for independent research projects to be conducted over the summer may include a request for reasonable living expenses in the project budget. Depending on funding availability, living expenses may or may not be funded. Grants for summer living expenses cannot exceed $1500.
April 15th by 5:00 pm CST
up to $2500
Career Internship Fund
Gabriel Rodriguez ( or Karina Varela (
The fund supports students seeking to participate in internship experiences that provide experience related to their career goals in any Liberal Arts or Science and Engineering field. This includes housing, travel, and living expenses. Additionally, the fund can be awarded inline of wages.
If you need bridge funds to support a summer study abroad experience you may apply for a grant from the Center for Academic Equity. Applicants must apply and be accepted to a study abroad experience through Tulane University’s study abroad department. To be considered, you must demonstrate the need for funding to participate in this experience. Applications must include a description explaining the connection between your proposed study abroad experience and your academic goals. You will present a summary of your study abroad experience at the Center for Academic Equity’s Research Colloquium in the fall semester.
If you are applying for unpaid internships, you may request funding to cover living expenses. To be considered for this award, you must complete the application, have a minimum 2.5 GPA, show proof you have been accepted or are applying to an uncompensated internship, and agree to participate in the Idea Symposium. All full-time continuing Newcomb-Tulane College students within the Center for Academic Equity cohort, regardless of discipline or major, may apply.
All stipend recipients are required to participate in the Idea Symposium poster session. Students studying abroad are required to submit the Idea Symposium components by their due date but may receive an event attendance waiver.
Summer Only
March 15th by 5:00 pm CST
Summer Research Fellowship
The Center for Academic Equity will award undergraduate research summer fellowships to outstanding applicants across any field of study at Tulane University. To be considered for a fellowship you must meet the minimum 2.5 GPA requirement, complete the application, and agree to participate in the annual Tulane Idea Symposium. All full-time continuing Newcomb-Tulane College students within the Center for Academic Equity cohort, regardless of discipline or major, may apply. Previous research experience is not required.
All grant recipients are required to participate in the Idea Symposium poster session. Students studying abroad are required to submit the Idea Symposium components by their due date but may receive an event attendance waiver.
Trainings and Workshops
Community Engagement
Projects (non-research)
Summer & Semesters
15th of every month (September-November; January-April) by 5:00 PM CST
Up to $1500 (individuals) OR $3,000 (groups of two or more students)
Research, Internships, Projects, etc.
All Newcomb-Tulane College (NTC) students are eligible to apply for NTC grant funding. All full-time undergraduates of Tulane University are considered NTC students. Students who are in their fifth year, as part of the 4+1 program, are considered NTC students until their undergraduate degree has been conferred. Students in their first semester, whether first-year students or transfer students, are not eligible to apply for an NTC grant.
15th of every month (September-November; February-April) by 5:00 PM CST
Up to $2500
CGE: International Experiential Learning Opportunities
All Newcomb-Tulane College (NTC) students are eligible to apply for NTC grant funding. All full-time undergraduates of Tulane University are considered NTC students. Students who are in their fifth year, as part of the 4+1 program, are considered NTC students until their undergraduate degree has been conferred. Students in their first semester, whether first-year students or transfer students, are not eligible to apply for an NTC grant.
15th of every month (September-November; February-April) by 5:00 PM CST
Up to $5000
Gordon Fellowship
The Gordon Summer Fellowship is a highly competitive fellowship that is offered to two outstanding students per spring semester. The $5,000 grant award can be used to fund a project that is completely student-designed and directed, from beginning to end (i.e., independent from existing faculty research).
15th of every month (September-November; February-April) by 5:00 PM CST
Up to $2500
CAIDS: Focus on Data
All Newcomb-Tulane College (NTC) students are eligible to apply for NTC grant funding. All full-time undergraduates of Tulane University are considered NTC students. Students who are in their fifth year, as part of the 4+1 program, are considered NTC students until their undergraduate degree has been conferred. Students in their first semester, whether first-year students or transfer students, are not eligible to apply for an NTC grant.
The Summer Research Fund is an opportunity for students to work with a Tulane professor on a scholarly project for six weeks during the summer.
It is great for all students interested in research, regardless of their experience; for students new to research or already working with a faculty mentor. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors across Tulane’s five schools are welcome to apply. You can earn up to $1000 for housing, $1000 for your research costs, and $1000 for your PI/professor involved in your research.
The ASPIRE Research Buddy Program provides Newcomb-Tulane College students with the valuable research experience needed before medical school. Once selected, students are paired with medical school students and faculty mentors within Tulane Medical School's ASPIRE Program, allowing for a triad mentorship learning experience. Upon completing the program, students will develop an abstract and poster presentation on the research they conducted. Many students continue their research well beyond summer with the connections they made during the program.
The ASPIRE Research Buddy Program is the premier inclusion program within Office of Undergraduate Research. It prioritizes applicants who remain underrepresented in the medical field, those being Black, Hispanic, Vietnamese, as well as first-generation college students—though all undergraduates are encouraged to apply. The inaugural year of this program was funded by a generous gift to Newcomb-Tulane College from Tomi Prvulovic with the intention to enhance undergraduate research
NTC's Office of Study Abroad offers several donor-funded awards to students studying abroad on approved programs during the semester, academic year, and on Tulane-run summer programs.
Study Abroad
No information provided
In addition to scholarship-specific eligibility requirements, all scholarship applications will be considered based upon the strength of personal statement, academic performance, appropriateness of the student's chosen study abroad program to the student's course of study at Tulane University, and demonstrated financial need.
February 1st
up to $2,000
Independent Research Funding
The Stone Center provides grants to undergraduate students in the pursuit of independent research projects that align with the Stone Center’s mission of expanding understanding of Latin America and the Caribbean. These grants encourage the collaboration of undergraduate students and faculty in the production of new knowledge through individual and/or group research. Research may require exploring archives or libraries in other cities or countries, conducting an interview with an expert or practitioner, or engaging in fieldwork to collect data for subsequent analysis. This grant category encompasses ONLY cost of travel and/or subsistence. Subsistence allowances follow the domestic per diem rates provided by the U.S. General Services Administration and foreign per diem rates provided by the U.S. Department of State.
Applications for intensive summer language study funding will be accepted for undergraduate students who have an interest in attending either the Stone Center’s Summer Intensive Language study abroad program in Brazilian Portuguese (Saõ Paulo) or through the Summer Maya Language Institute (Kaqchikel Maya or K’iche’ Maya). This funding program acts as a scholarship covering the cost of program fees and is issued directly to the program administrators. The award does not provide a cash disbursement to awardees.
The Stone Center’s Summer Internship Grants program provides support for students who are pursuing unpaid or minimally-paid internships that have a significant focus on Latin America or the Latin American diaspora in the US or elsewhere. Students may request up to $2000 to assist with summer living expenses, internship travel, or other associated expenses. Students must address how their internship contributes to the Stone Center’s mission of expanding understanding of Latin America and the Caribbean
The Stone Center’s Conference Presentation/Attendance Grants program will fund travel expenses for undergraduate students who present papers at undergraduate research conferences or professional academic meetings. Funding can be used for Airfare, Lodging, Subsistence, or Conference Registration.
Nov 15th, Mar 15th, (All applications are due by 11:59 PM CST on the date of deadlines)
Up to $2,500 per academic year
Victor C. Alvarez Spark Innovation Award
The Victor C. Alvarez Spark Innovation Award is open to all undergraduate and graduate Tulane University students that are pursuing a social venture idea. To be eligible for a Victor C. Alvarez Spark Innovation Fund Award, you must meet these requirements: (1) Be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in classes part-time or full-time at the time of application, (2) Be in good standing with Tulane University, and (3) Have completed all of the application requirements.
Good standing
Acknowledgment of the Student Contract
Financial Documents.
Community Engagement
Nov 15th, Mar 15th, (All applications are due by 11:59 PM CST on the date of deadlines)
Up to $1,500
Changemaker Catalyst Award
The Changemaker Catalyst Award is open to all undergraduate and graduate Tulane University students interested in pursuing careers related to Social Innovation, Social Entrepreneurship, Design Thinking, and Changemaking. To be eligible for a Changemaker Catalyst Award, you must meet these requirements: (1) Be an undergraduate or graduate student enrolled in classes part-time or full-time at the time of application, (2) Be in good standing with Tulane University, and (3) Have completed all of the application requirements.
Good standing
Financial Documents
Acknowledgment of the Student Contract
Community Engagement
Trainings and Workshops
Rolling (summer), Monthly (semester)
Up to $1000 (individuals) OR $5,000 (organizations)
All In Student Grant OR
Individual students can submit an application for up to $1000 of funding to develop a sexual violence-related project, event, initiative, internship, or educational opportunity. Student organizations can submit an application for up to $5000 of funding for a sexual violence-related project, event, initiative, or educational opportunity. The proposed project must benefit the Tulane community.
If you receive funding, you will be required to submit a report at the completion of the project demonstrating how the funding was used and evaluating the completed project. Students and organizations may submit one proposal per semester.