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Board of Directors Application

Purpose: Provide leadership to fulfill the mission of the Wichita’s Littlest Heroes (WLH) by partnering with staff in building relationships with key community leaders to enhance awareness of WLH, drive revenue generation, advance advocacy initiatives, and providing care and support to WLH families. General Responsibilities: Attend 80% of board meetings annually (in-person, via phone, via video). The Board will meet every other month on the third Thursday at 6 pm at Epic Church. Come to meetings prepared and ready to approve consent agenda. Serve as an externally-facing “champion” advocating for support of the full mission of the organization. Identify and recruit leadership volunteers to support the work of the WLH organization, including future members of the board of directors. Term Limits: Minimum of one term (3 years) not to exceed two (2) consecutive terms.

What is your desired Board of Directors position?
Not all positions are available at all times, selecting a particular position does not guarantee it.
Do you know a Hero family or are you related to a Hero?
i.e. The Rotary Club, Wichita Wagon Masters
What about Wichita's Littlest Heroes makes you want to be involved?
  • {name}
Do you have special interests/hobbies that you could share with our organization?
  • {name}
(Previous Volunteer/Community Service)
Have you served on a Board of Directors before?
Please supply 2 references: At least one should be from someone with whom you have worked in an employment capacity or as part of a group.
References will not be contacted until after meeting with Board President. Please provide their name, phone number, and your relation to them.
  • {name}
From our experience, Board Members spend a minimum of 2 hours per month on Wichita’s Littlest Heroes. Depending on your level of involvement and commitment, this time might increase. Do you see this as a problem?
By checking this box, you agree you are willing to commit time, energy and passion to the mission of Wichita’s Littlest Heroes.
By checking this box, you agree that if your application is accepted, you are willing to undergo a complete, criminal background check.
Background checks are required in order to serve on the BOD

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